Category: Grammar exercises

Direct and indirect speech exercise

Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech. 1. ‘When are you leaving for Chennai?’ Shyam asked me. 2. ‘Was there a big crowd at the meeting?’ asked the man. 3....

Simple future or present continuous tense exercise

In English, we use several different tense forms to indicate future. Common among them are: Simple future Present continuous Be going to Present simple These structures are not usually interchangeable, although in a few...

Present continuous or be going to

The present continuous tense is often used to talk about future events that are already planned or decided. The structure be + going to is also used to talk about our plans. In some...

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1 | CBSE English Grammar

Each sentence given below contains an incomplete phrasal verb. You have to complete the expression by supplying a preposition or particle. Choose your answers from the given options. Phrasal verbs exercise 1. He could...

Reported speech exercise

This grammar exercise tests your ability to convert direct speech into indirect speech. An example is given below. Direct speech: ‘Do you think you know better than your father?’ asked his angry mother. Indirect...