Learn English Blog

When And Where To Use Gerunds?

Gerunds after nouns Some nouns and adjectives can be followed by preposition + -ing form. Nouns/adjectives that are followed by –ing forms cannot normally be followed by infinitives. But there are exceptions to this rule. I hate the idea...

What Are Gerunds?

Study the following sentence: Teaching is my job. Teaching is a verb ending in –ing. At the same time, it is the subject of the verb is, and hence function as a noun. (Only nouns or noun equivalents...

Ing Form vs. Infinitive

A gerund is a verb + ing. It is used as a noun. India has started producing atomic power. She likes playing tennis. Do you enjoy swimming? I could not help hearing their conversation. Alice hates having dinner so late. I like working in my garden....

Future Continuous Tense

We will learn about the future continuous tense in this essay. Form: will / shall + be + ing form Affirmative  I shall/will be writing. She will be writing. You will be writing. Negative...

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense Form: will /shall + have + past participle form of the verb Affirmative I shall/will have written. She will have written. You will have written. Negative I shall/will not have...

Furthermore, Moreover, In Addition

These transitional adverbs are used to add information to what has already been said. Note that moreover and furthermore are mainly used in a formal style. In a less formal style, we use other transitional adverbs such as what is more,...

Position Of Frequency Adverbs

Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. Examples are: often, never, always, sometimes, generally, usually, seldom, rarely, ever, hardly ever, frequently etc. Adverbs of frequency are usually placed: a) before the principal verb b) After...

For As A Preposition

The preposition for has many meanings including the following: For: intended to belong to This letter is for you. Reserve a seat for me. For: in place of I offer you new lamps for old. For: in...