Learn English Blog

Common Errors With Conjunctions

A conjunction is merely a connecting word. It has no other function in the sentence. In most languages of European origin, clauses are joined together by conjunctions in similar ways. However, students who speak non-European-type languages often experience some...

Correct Use Of Some Conjunctions

We will learn about the correct use of some common conjunctions in this lesson. As As is a conjunction. We use it before a clause, and before an expression beginning with a preposition. He did as he was...

Common Mistakes In The Use Of Conjunctions

We use just one conjunction to connect two clauses. Study the examples given below. Though she studied hard but she could not score good marks. (Incorrect) Here we used two conjunctions (though, but) to...

The Conjunctions And, Or, But

The words and, but and or are coordinating conjunctions. They connect two clauses of equal rank. The correct use of these conjunctions are explained below. And The conjunction and is used to add information...

What Are Conjunctions?

Conjunctions are connecting words. Examples are: and, but, or, though, although, if, because, while. Conjunctions connect other words, phrases or clauses together. The boys sang and the girls danced. Rani or Radha will come....

Compound Sentences

Read the following sentence: John went to the station and boarded the train. This sentence has two parts: John went to the station and John boarded the train. These two parts are joined by the coordinating conjunction and. Each...

Compound Nouns And Their Plurals

To change a singular compound noun into its plural form, we add –s to the principal word. With some compound nouns, -s is added to the first part. Examples are given below. Commander-in-chief (singular):...

The Compound-Complex Sentence

Look at the following sentences: While the man played the harmonium, the boys sang and the girls danced. This sentence consists of two co-ordinate main clauses: a) the boys sang b) the girls danced and one subordinate...

Complex Sentences

Examine the following sentences: I shall do as I like. This sentence consists of two clauses – I shall do and as I like. Here the first clause I shall do makes complete sense and can stand by itself. This clause is therefore...

Complements Of Adjectives

Some adjectives can be followed by other words and expressions which complete their meaning. These adjective ‘complements’ can be of different kinds. For example, some adjectives are followed by preposition + noun / -ing form. Others...