Tagged: phrasal verbs worksheet

Phrasal Verbs Exercise For Class 8

We will learn about some commonly used phrasal verbs in this lesson. This phrasal verbs lesson is based MacMillan English Ferry Workbook 8 Worksheet 3. You can find a comprehensive list of phrasal verbs...

Phrasal Verbs Worksheet 2

This grammar worksheet tests your understanding of phrasal verbs. Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. Can you blow ——————– these balloons? a) up b) off c) out 2. The terrorists blew...

Phrasal Verbs Exercise For Class 8

Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. Answers are given at the end with explanations. 1. He turned ——————– to be a gangster. (out / off / on) 2. He worked ———————– the...

Phrasal Verbs Worksheet For Class 10

Phrasal verbs are expressions like take over, bring up and put off. This grammar worksheet tests your ability to use phrasal verbs correctly. Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. Each sentence given...